Friday, September 3, 2021

Marble Run Challenge

 For Fri-yay* this week Mrs G set us a marble run challenge. So basically we had to make a maze for a human to manoeuvre a marble around. I've inserted the slide below for you to see what I've done so far and it will update whenever I've added something. 

Maybe you could try make one yourself?   

* Friday where we do fun things if we're good.


  1. Hey Anna! I have 1 question to ask! How do you put the slides on your post like that? I link it but I want it that the slides I make be on the post like how you have put it on yours. Anyways I really like the way you said "manoeuvre" I like the back rounds you have added on your slide. It's pretty cool! I'm looking forward to read more of your posts. Bye!

    1. Hey Charmy!
      I'll email you with how to embed it.
      The backgrounds are based on some of the marbles on the front page.
      See you online some point!

    2. Hi again Anna! I found your video in gmail and it helped me so much! If you want you can go on my blog and see my slides on a post I had made. Anyways, thanks a lot Anna. The video was really easy to understand. Bye!

    3. Cool. Glad I could help.

  2. Hi Anna, really nice instructions to making a marble run.
    We are meant to be making a marble run tomorrow and I am sure I will use your instructions tomorrow.
    Yuvaan rm22 NWS

    1. Hi Yuvaan,
      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Hey Anna!

    Loved your step by step slides. I also liked how you included your alterations as well as the reasons why you did that. Also your little sister and her wee input!

    Do you always do fun activities for Fri-yay! Do you like doing stuff like this? An activity where you don’t use your devices so much?

    Always a good read, thank you

    1. Hi Marleen!
      I didn't actually realise I put alterations in it!
      Yes we always do fun things on fri-yay unless we haven't been behaving well then we have a Friday and if we're behaving really badly we have a Fri-nay (which we've never had).
      Well I like doing stuff on my chromebook so it's a bit hard to get started but once I've started I have lots of fun.
      Thanks for commenting!
