Thursday, September 23, 2021


 So this week is a challenge week, each day Mrs G posts a new challenge.

On Monday it was a blog challenge we had to do a blog post and heaps of commenting.

On Tuesday it was the egg challenge, you know the one where you have to protect an egg so that when you drop it, it won't break.

Yesterday we had to read a short graphic novel, create a monster and then create a comic about the monster. Click here to read the graphic novel and if you don't know how to access it click here.

And today we had to cook or bake something. I made coconut macaroons (not to be confused with macrons or macarons). It took me and my dad ages to decided to make these. Then we were halve way through we realised that we didn't have enough coconut so my dad added some flour instead, I was worried that it would make it strange but it was delicious. But me and my brother described it as heavenly, if you'd like to see my brothers blog here is the link. Below is the photo of my macaroons.

Also fun fact I learnt: crème brûlée means burned cream.
And no I have not forgotten day 4! 



  1. They were yummy! Thanks (from Mum)

  2. Hi Anna! Sounds nice. I like how you explained what we had on each day for our challenge week.

    Question: What do you mean about "And no I have not forgotten day 4!"

    1. Hi Charmy!
      They were nice.
      With the Maori language week I haven't posted day 4 yet.
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Anna, Wow those Cookie Looks really Yummm. Well You're really good at making cookies 😋😋 Well Done :-)
