Friday, September 24, 2021

Making a hut

Kia Ora guys!

 Our challenge today was:

  1. Build a fort / tent with items that you find at home.

  2. Your tent/ fort should be big enough to accommodate you.

  3. Take a picture of your creation along with you in it.

  4. Post it on your blog.

Below is a photo of mine.

I just used a sheet and some giant peg things. It's made for anything really, I even wrote this blog post in it!

This isn't really related but I decided to post a fun fact on every blog post I do, here is today's one: The barbie dolls full name is:Barbara Millicent Roberts.

Well have a good day!  


  1. Kia ora Anna,

    Your fort is big enough to fit your sibling too! I love how you shared a photo. How long did it take you? If you had another chance what would you change?

    Looking forward to the next blog post,
    Miss Laxa

    1. Hi Ms Laxa,
      I can't actually fit all of my siblings, three max(me included).
      It only took me five-ten minutes not including the tidying up I had to do first.
      The only thing I'd change is it in a bigger space because part of it is quite narrow.

  2. HI Anna , that fort is very big and nice I liked how you added the photo with you and your sister ( cute photo) , maybe next time you could of showed how you made it . bye

    1. Hi Bella,
      Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Hello Anna, Wow That Fort Look Amazing! I Never Builded a Fort inside houses i do it outside! That's Really Amazing Ngl!

    1. Thanks, I build forts outside as well.
      What class are you in?
