Monday, September 20, 2021

Happy Jar! :-)

 I know right, what a hilarious blog title!

This is how the story goes: One of my siblings said that a huge jar of peanut butter was intimidating, my dad was like, "Would it be less intimidating if it had a smiley face?" My sibling shrugged. I'm like, "Yes, Yes!" So I go and grab the vivid and my dad says: "Use a window pen." So I put the vivid back and got a window pen, it didn't really show up so mum just told me to use the vivid. So I drew the face. Then my sibling said it was scary, in my opinion it was cute. My younger sibling was very interested.

Below is it's photo, what should we call it?  

And don't worry i haven't forgotten about day 4!


  1. That's hilarious Anna. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your story had me chuckling in my seat. I think I might need to add some faces to my jars at home now.

    1. It is quite fun isn't it?
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. hi Anna that so hilarious your blogs are amazing

  4. I love the smile on the jar! I think that it is really interesting!

    1. I know right.
      Thanks for commenting Marejke!
