Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Chinese language week - Day one (and my first kahoot!)

(hello in Tuvalu)
As you may know this week it's Chinese language week, Tuvalu language week and mental health awareness week.

Today I'm sharing with you Mondays task.

Learn: Read in formation on China.

Create: Find 10 facts and make a quiz. 

Share: Share your quiz with family, teacher or blog. 

So for my quiz I did my first kahoot. There's actually 14 questions but well..... eh. It was really fun to make and I hope you enjoy it. 

Game pin:4512994

Please tell me if the kahoot works.

Today's fun fact: The original name for google was backrub (say whaaaa?!)

(bye in Tuvalu)


  1. Hi Anna. I want to play the kahoot but you have made it private so only you can play and no one else do you mind making it public instead?

  2. Hey Anna

    I tried to play too but it wouldn’t let me in. I even went to the actual website to see if that would work. Have you tried playing it yourself?

    Maybe you can have a chat to Rueben because I know he did one during this lockdown. I remember playing it from his blog!

    Hope it all works out!

    1. Hi Marleen,
      Thanks for letting me know.
      I asked on our class chat thing nobody knows.
