Friday, August 27, 2021

Lockdown diary

 For New Windsor Way (which is just PB4L) Mrs Ghosh has set us a lockdown diary.

You may be thinking about a proper diary, you know where you write your thoughts and dreams and stuff. But this is more of an activity thing. It's done on the slide below. You'll be able to see my progress as I update it. If you'd like you can make a copy and do it yourself.



  1. Hi Anna. Bibi? Baba? You call your sister that? Awwww That's so cute. Are you going to put pictures of your family members? You added 10 extra slides! Check my blog out! I think you'll like the "Making An Infinity Cube" one!

    1. My brother David mostly calls Esther Bibi and baba we called her a bit more when she was little. I am thinking to add photos.

  2. I can see that you have added the same picture that you have put your blog. For the 3rd slide, you don't have to repeat the letter again. You can just add the other letters of the word. It's a bit like an acrostic poem! Plus you've wrote down never quiet and then you wrote peaceful (mostly). Huh? Is your nick name " Mini Lizzie" I can tell that your nickname could be Anna Banana and Anna not banana but Mini Lizzie?

    1. Yeah I have added the same photo that I added on my blog. I just repeated the letter anyway 'cause why not. It's never quiet but mostly it's peaceful (except when me and my siblings are fighting), you get it? Mini Lizzie is from when me and Lizzie were both at school and I looked a lot like Lizzie but people who knew Lizzie did't know my name ad called me mini Lizzie. And Anna not banana I didn't really like the name and so one of my friends made it up.

  3. Hi Anna,wow a lock down diary cool! That's a very great idea to make a lock down diary with fun activities. I have a question for you, do you enjoy your lock down diary? I would like to know so someday i can make a lock down diary of my own.

    1. I do enjoy it because some of the activities are fun you can make your own, you just need to make a copy of the slide.
